Discover borderless

Shopping in two countries

In our twin town HaparandaTornio you are offered a unique shopping experience where you can shop in two countries on the same shopping trip. Maximize your shopping experience by starting in Finland, since they are one hour ahead, and continue in Sweden.

Shopping in Sweden

On the Swedish side of the border you will find IKEA and HaparandaTornio trading place with shops such as Iiittala Outlet, Candy World, Hemtex and much more. At Björka trading place you can shop at store such as Jysk and ÖoB. If you are interested in outdoor- and fitness lifestyle, you can find Haglöfs Factory Outlet, Naturkompaniet Fjällräven and Peak Performance Outlet.

Shopping in Finland

On the Finnish side of the border you will find the shopping center Rajalla. Popular stores such as H&M, Gina Tricot, Dressmann and Lindex are found here.

Local shops

If you are interested in local shops and locally produced, you can find a lot of cozy shops. We recommend a stop at the 4H-shop, Tornedals Hemslöjd, Tornedal & Co, Torneå brewery and Elmers farm shop. 

Art, culture & history

In HaparandaTornio you have the unique opportunity to take part of art, culture and history from two different countries. Visit Tornedals museum, Alnes art museum, statues and memorials, Haparanda Church, Tornio Church and much more.

Tourist center

We can gladely help answering your questions about HaparandaTornio. We recommend checking out our local guides and tourist center for more detailed information and guidance.



Vi skänker 100 kr per rum till de drabbade av kriget i Ukraina

För alla som nu bokar och bor på Cape East under april månad så efterskänker vi 100 kr per rum till Rädda Barnens viktiga arbete.

Krisen i Ukraina blir allt värre och det är den snabbast växande flyktingkrisen i Europa sedan andra världskriget. Just nu är det över 4,3 miljoner människor på flykt från kriget och vi ser det som en självklarhet att hjälpa till där vi kan i rådande läge. Rädda Barnen jobbar med att hjälpa människor både på plats i Ukraina och för att ge ett tryggt mottagande i de länder dit barn och familjer tvingas fly.