Cape East spaanläggning

Cape East på listan över topp fem spahotell i Sverige

I en artikel publicerad av Nyheter24 presenterades tips på Sveriges fem bästa spahotell för en avkopplande spa-weekend. Cape East är stolta och glada att få vara med på den listan och tackar ödmjukast för den fina presentationen av vår magiska anläggning.

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We are currently receiving many booking inquiries for the winter season. Our winter initiative with direct charter flights from France means we are almost fully booked between December 18th and March 29th. But spring is approaching – take the opportunity to book your relaxing stay with us at Cape East now.

Until March 29th, our spa is open exclusively to our overnight guests. We hope for your understanding and look forward to welcoming all our day visitors in the spring.