At campsites, the risk of fire in connection with grilling is extra great. Mainly because you often live close to each other, and because tents and caravans burn easily. It is therefore important to remember to always have fire equipment on hand, because once the fire brigade appears on site, it may already be too late. With a fire extinguisher and fire blanket, you have good possibility to intervene at an early stage of the fire.
Fire extinguishing equipment are located at all service houses. Make sure you know where the nearest one is.
To reduce the risk of a fire spreading on a campsite, it is important to follow the recommended distances for camping units and tents. The distance between two tents should be at least three meters. The distance should be at least four meters between two camping units or between a camping unit and a tent. Also remember to always place the grill at least one meter from the caravan or tent and to always place the grill on a surface that is flat and non-flammable.
General safety tips
För alla som nu bokar och bor på Cape East under april månad så efterskänker vi 100 kr per rum till Rädda Barnens viktiga arbete.
Krisen i Ukraina blir allt värre och det är den snabbast växande flyktingkrisen i Europa sedan andra världskriget. Just nu är det över 4,3 miljoner människor på flykt från kriget och vi ser det som en självklarhet att hjälpa till där vi kan i rådande läge. Rädda Barnen jobbar med att hjälpa människor både på plats i Ukraina och för att ge ett tryggt mottagande i de länder dit barn och familjer tvingas fly.