
It is in Cape East’s highest interest that the company is characterized by a high ethical standard where every relationship matters and must be carefulle nurtured. We want to maintain an open climate and preserve the trust among employees, visitors and the public through high ethics. It is therefore important that risks and other deviations in our company come to our attention and actions can be made as soon as possible. You have an important role by reporting any misconduct within our company.

Our whistleblower service gives you the opportunity to inform us of a suspicion of serious misconduct within our company. Via the form, you can provide information if you suspect that something is not in line with our established policies, out ethical principles, our values or anything else that could seriously affect people’s lives, health or our company. 

If you want to submit a report about misconduct, fill in the form below and provide contact details. If you wish to remain anonymous, it is important that you do not enter your contact details in the form. Please note that we do not have the option of replying to cases submitted by anonymous individuals. If you wish to be called to report your case orally, we ask you to fill in a contact number and specify that you wish to be called in the message field. 

Vi skänker 100 kr per rum till de drabbade av kriget i Ukraina

För alla som nu bokar och bor på Cape East under april månad så efterskänker vi 100 kr per rum till Rädda Barnens viktiga arbete.

Krisen i Ukraina blir allt värre och det är den snabbast växande flyktingkrisen i Europa sedan andra världskriget. Just nu är det över 4,3 miljoner människor på flykt från kriget och vi ser det som en självklarhet att hjälpa till där vi kan i rådande läge. Rädda Barnen jobbar med att hjälpa människor både på plats i Ukraina och för att ge ett tryggt mottagande i de länder dit barn och familjer tvingas fly.